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  • What is Organic Mosquito and Tick Control?
    This program consists of a spray application every 3 to 4 weeks scheduled from spring to fall. These organic sprays consist of a blend of organic botanical oils. The sprays kill mosquitoes and ticks on contact and serve to repel biting insects for up to four weeks. These applications are completely safe and do not require that you keep off of your lawn afterwards. Satisfaction guaranteed. If you need even more control, we can provide a synthetic application. Our team will also survey your property and give you tips on how to reduce the mosquito and tick population.
  • Do I need to install mulch?
    Mulch helps to retain moisture in the beds to help the plants go longer between watering. Proper mulch installation also prevents weeds and erosion. We recommend a yearly mulch application in the Spring between April - July.
  • My plants are too big and crowded together. What can we do about that?
    Most residential landscapes are designed to have a 10-15 year lifespan. The plants are simply too large for their locations. The evergreen shrubs really cannot be re-sized or pruned too heavily. Eventually, they will need to be removed and replaced with something new. Deciduous shrubs can usually be re-sized and heavily pruned to the proper size. This is best done in the “fall cleanup.” One of our most common jobs is landscape overhauls. Many neighborhoods have hit the 15-20 year age, so the landscapes are very overgrown and in need of replacement. Usually, we will remove everything, and re-design a new landscape. The cost is often less than people expect.
  • Why did my plant or tree die?
    There could be many reasons. Insects, disease, over or under watering, too cold or too hot, over crowding, improper pruning techniques, poor soil, etc.
  • I have so many weeds. What can you do about that?
    Weed control starts with a good spring cleanup and mulching. We completely remove and treat all weeds prior to a fresh 2-3” of mulch. Then, we will routinely come by during the season to pull or treat the weeds. Contact us today to join our weeding program.
  • What is a normal property maintenance schedule like?
    Starting in the spring, we schedule what most call a “Spring Cleanup.” We will fix any winter damage, prune shrubs, replace old or add new shrubs, edge the beds, pull and treat weeds, and add mulch or stone. Most customers will then schedule a “Summer Pruning.” This is to keep the plants and trees in their proper form, and to prevent them from getting out of hand. Mid September to late October is for aerating, seeding, and planting. The temperature is perfect, and plants and seeds have the highest success rate. November to mid- December we provide “Fall Cleanups.” Most fall cleanups are two visits. The first visit is to provide all the heavy and rejuvenation pruning, and clear the leaves one time. All perennial style shrubs will be cut down, and any remaining shrubs or trees will be pruned or trimmed. The second visit is just to clear the leaves one last time, and mow the lawn to leave the property looking nice and tidy for the winter. After that, we will spray all broadleaf evergreen shrubs with WiltPruf to protect them from the winter. Throughout the entire season, we will be providing lawn mowing and weed pulling.
  • What kind of mulch do you use? Where does it come from?
    We buy our mulch locally in Hillsborough. We will pick it up in our trucks and bring it to your job site. The most common and our most recommended mulch is classic natural brown mulch. It's completely organic, and is comprised of ground up trees, stumps, leaves, dirt, etc. The second most common option is black dyed mulch. It's the same compound as the natural brown mulch, but with an added black dye.
  • Do you put fabric down before the mulch?
    We don't recommend the use of fabric under mulch. We typically only use fabric under stone. Over time, the mulch will decompose and break down, creating a rich topsoil. Weeds will happily grow right on top of the fabric in the mulch.
  • Do you provide excavation services?
    Yes we do! Tree stumps, land clearing, trenching, grading, concrete removal, etc. We also have machines with operators available for rent at hourly or daily rates.
  • My pavers sunk/have weeds, etc. Do you fix that?"
    Yes we do! We have a special team that provides paver and retaining wall repairs. We can get your old patio or walkway looking brand new again.
  • ___X___ Company gave me a quote for less money. Why should I hire you?
    Just like any business, there are varying levels of landscaping contractors. We pride ourselves on providing the highest quality possible to our clients. We are also fully insured, with all of the employees on payroll and workers comp.
  • How do you handle lawn maintenance?
    We provide very professional lawn service. We use only modern, new equipment, and sharpen our blades every day to ensure a proper cut. All of our lawns are maintained AS NEEDED. If you have a fertilized, irrigated lawn, this means we will probably mow every week from mid-April through October. If you don't have irrigation and we have a dry spell, there is a chance we will skip your lawn for the week. -Maintenance includes lawn mowing, trimming around all the edges, and blowing off all hard surfaces. -Most lawns are usually maintained later in the week (weather permitting), so the lawn will be freshly cut for you to enjoy on Saturday afternoons and Sundays. -Our leadership team can always be reached by cell phone if there are any issues.
  • Do you provide tree service?
    Yes, we provide all phases of tree service. Tree removal, pruning, stump removal, chipping, etc.
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